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Faith and Medicine

Learn about a doctor who prays and prescribes!

“Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long life bring understanding?” (Job 12:12)

I don’t have to change her name to keep her anonymous, because her name is Maria.  90% of my female patients are named Maria.  Even the ones who I thought were named Ruth, or Josefina, or Luisa, were actually Maria Ruth, Maria Josefina, and Maria Luisa.  

Maria is 72 years old, and sprightly.  She stands about 4 feet 8 inches tall and I see her all over the neighborhood, walking and pushing her little cart.  She told me she is taking care of her grandchildren now while their parents are working.  I know everyone in this equation.  One of the grandchildren was in my son’s kindergarten class; she has a severe intellectual disability.  The dad has renal failure because of poorly controlled diabetes and high blood pressure, but he still manages to work two minimum wage jobs to support the family.  He just had an eye surgery.  The mom is working now too.  With their four kids, the six of them lived in a minivan a couple of years ago when they suddenly got evicted; it was about nine months before they found a new place.  They always manage to keep their heads up though, no matter what.  I admire them all very much.

I told the dad, Maria’s son, the other day that we might have to start talking about dialysis eventually, since his GFR is 15 and his potassium keeps going up.  He responded by saying that he knows someone who is on dialysis who is still able to work.  Tough as nails.

Maria had some lower leg swelling.  Could be heart failure or renal failure, or maybe something less serious.  I will need some labs.  We started talking about the grandkids, and I mentioned that she seemed younger than her age because she was so active.  She told me about the exercises she does, and then she suddenly started talking about the prayers she prays every day.  Exercise and prayers.

Her brown eyes looked at me intently.  “This is what I pray:  ‘Have mercy on me, O God, a sinner.’”  She went on to describe her prayers for help, for mercy, for forgiveness.  She was full of passion and humility as she counted off on her fingers the prayers she prays daily.  “Because I am a sinner,” she added, unnecessarily.

We don’t talk about being sinners anymore.  We want everybody else to be a sinner, but not us.  We would like the world to know that we do things right, we think correctly, we back the right things.  But something happens to you when a 4’ 8” elder looks you in the eye and tells you that she is a sinner who relies on God’s mercy for survival.  And her prayers are intricately connected with her health.  

Do not be wise in your own eyes;

    fear the Lord and shun evil.

This will bring health to your body

    and nourishment to your bones.

  • Proverbs 3:7-8

The Healing Grove Solution!

At Healing Grove Health Center, we position ourselves outside of the broken medical system and keep our panel sizes low so that we can take excellent care of each of our patients.  We offer concierge medicine services for a monthly fee, cutting out the middle man (insurance companies and their interests) and allowing us the luxury of focusing entirely on you, the patient.  We answer the phone, we get to know you and your family, we understand your personality and your goals, and we can tailor your medical care to do what is right for you.  We have same day appointments and even weekend and holiday appointments when needed, to keep our patients out of urgent cares, ERs, and hospitals as much as possible.  We also have the flexibility to work within the system when needed for specialty care.

Try Healing Grove out! Schedule an appointment today!

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The Healing Grove Advantage

Annual Health Care Exam

Every year, you receive an extended visit with your personal Healing Grove doctor. We help you strive toward holistic wellness through our intensive health and spiritual care.

Your personal doctor guides you through a comprehensive health and soul care assessment, helping you develop a plan to become the very best version of yourself!

Spiritual Care

We understand you’re more than a machine. You are a complex mix of body, soul, mind, machine, and heart.

Our physicians come from the Christian faith tradition. We provide equal doses of medications and prayer, physical treatments and spiritual care. Whatever your faith tradition, you’ll be welcomed and comfortable here.

Connected To Your Doctor, 24/7

We care about you during business hours AND after business hours. Every patient receives the personal cellphone number of their doctor. Whether emergencies, check-ins, or urgent care, we’re there for you!

Get in contact directly with a doctor who personally knows and cares for you. Your personal doctor is just a click away.

Zero Wait Time For Your Doctor

At other clinics, you wait in a waiting room, waste time filling out forms, and then wait some more for the doctor in the clinical rooms. At Healing Grove, you don’t wait for the doctor. The doctor is waiting for you!

Personal Relationship With Your Doctor

At Healing Grove, we build a personal relationship with you. We want to know what makes you tick, what you care about, and what you’re struggling with. We want to know about you and your family.

Connected To The US Healthcare System

When you need more than primary care, we guide you through the system. The US healthcare system is incredibly difficult to navigate, but our doctors have decades of combined experience in helping patients find the care they need. We use our relationships and personal networks to get you the very best healthcare available. Our doctors have the time to advocate for you – providing referrals, making phone calls, and even checking in to make sure you’re receiving the proper care.

Healing Grove Health CenterHGHC Annual Membership

$ 200

Per Month
  •  Patients see a doctor
  •  Zero wait for doctor
  • Coordination of specialist care
  • 30-minute to 1-hour appointments
  • Gatherings that offer community
  • Volunteer opportunities
  • Holistic medical care
  • Cross-cultural and socio-economic relationship opportunities
  • Supports uninsured low-income patients
  • Spiritual care team

Your Concierge Membership

A concierge medical care plan just for you – all that you need, and nothing you don’t. Healing Grove Health Center accepts HSA, HRA, and FSA.

This covers unlimited primary care, convenient physician access, health system navigation and advocacy, and invitations to our health, soul, and culture care programs. Plus, it gives TWO low-income members access to top-quality primary care!

This also makes a great gift for a loved one with significant health needs. We have a lot of experience working with uninsured people, so we know all of the secret cash-price deals in our area. This plan can be great for people with high-deductible health plans who avoid their doctors because of unreasonable co-pays and hidden fees. We find the most affordable meds, radiology, and lab tests in the South Bay, which are often less expensive than health plan co-pays.

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