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Is my teen using Marijuana?

Expert advice on helping your teenager avoid marijuana abuse

Vitamin M?

Marijuana is one of the most confusing substances out there.  Some people think it is “Vitamin M” – some kind of health supplement – while others are suspicious that it is harmful.  There are things we know and things we don’t know, and it can be hard to know where to look for reliable information about it.

Here is what we do know.  Marijuana is definitely very harmful to teens’ brains.  The marijuana they will find out there is highly concentrated, highly addictive, and very dangerous.  It has been definitively linked to psychosis, both acute and chronic, as well as worsening judgment, driving reaction time, and IQ scores.  Sometimes it has been mixed with fentanyl or other dangerous drugs.  The weird thing about cannabis, when compared with other drugs, is that people who regularly use marijuana become more and more convinced that it is good for them, while the people around them become more and more convinced that it is harming them over time.  

If you are a parent and you suspect your teen is using marijuana, what can you do?  First, it is important to realize that while marijuana use is legal in California, recreational use is not legal under age 21.  

Talk to your kids

I recommend talking with your kids about marijuana from a young age.  Encourage them to avoid using it.  It is not fun trying to quit using addictive substances; it is easier to just not start using them.  When I do well child visits I talk with teens about whether or not they have tried marijuana.  Many of them have not, and the most common reason is because they just decided not to.  These are inner-city public school kids who just made a simple decision to avoid it in the first place, and their grades and their mental health generally reflect that good decision.

What to do when your teen is smoking Marijuana?

Even the best kids can make mistakes, however, and sometimes you just have that adventurous soul who has to try everything for herself.  What do you do then?

I recommend bringing the kid in for an appointment.  At Healing Grove, we take our time – we can do 30-60 minute appointments to talk about everything.  I can have private conversations with your teen, and then I have in-house drug tests.  We will get results in minutes.  We work together to make goals of how to quit using substances, how to talk to parents about what is going on and how to invite the family into the healing process.  Unlike many clinics, we have a unique mix of confidentiality for the teen and encouragement to collaborate with the family.  We can offer in-house counseling when needed as well at no additional cost.  Our docs are trained in addiction medicine as well as primary care and we have a lot of experience working with people with addictions.

Don’t just sit there with your suspicions and fears.  Book an appointment today and help your loved one find freedom again!

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