Which weeks are there Summer Camps?

Week 1 June 3rd-June 7th

Week 2 June 10th – June 14th

Week 3 June 17th – June 21th

Week 4 June 24th – June 28th

NO CAMP –  July 1st- July 5th (July 4th Holiday)

Week 5 July 8th – July 12th

Week 6 July 15th – July 19th

Week 7 July 22nd – July 26th

Week 8 July 29 – August 2nd

Should I invite my friends?

Yes! Bring a friend and sign up for the same weeks!

Do I have to be a person of faith to attend?

No! Anyone from any faith tradition is welcome to attend!

What should my kids bring with them?

Water bottle, sports clothing, and a snack.

Will lunch be provided?

No, lunch will not be provided at this camp.

Will 6 year olds be playing with 13 year olds?

No, our sports camp is broken up into multiple age appropriate groups. Younger kids and older kids will be playing at the same time, but in separate areas.

Can my child play both Soccer and Volleyball?

Definitely! Each week will be either one or the other, but you can sign up for multiple weeks and choose soccer for 1 week and volleyball the next week, or vice versa.

Are you connected with a church or parish or denomination?

Healing Grove is a faith based organization in the Christian tradition. Healing Grove’s staff is about half Catholic and half Protestant. Healing Grove partners with dozens of diverse congregations throughout Silicon Valley, including Protestant, Catholic and Mainline churches.

Who should I contact with questions?

Noe Guzman
Email: noe@healinggrove.org
Text or Call: (669) 800-5782

How much does camp cost?

Each week costs $175

Are there family discounts?

Unfortunately, we aren’t able to provide family discounts. Because every paying player funds one low income player from the Washington/Guadalupe community, we are unable to provide discounts.

Can the kids program or youth group at my church sign up for the sports camp?

Yes! Reach out to Brett Bymaster at brett@healinggrove.org to get your church involved!

What is the cost for churches

The price is $175 per player per week. The cost is the same regardless of whether or not you participate through a church or on your own.